Currently, the benefits and side effects of anabolic steroids are well documented.
However, is there a happy medium for taking steroids safely?
Discover how a person can increase/reduce the risk of steroid use by controlling a variety of factors, based on our experience in treating thousands of bodybuilders by harm reduction practices.
Some steroids are safer than others
The health effects of each anabolic steroid can be different. In general, the more beneficial a steroid is, the more side effects it will cause.
So is it safe to take steroids? It depends on their type. Testosterone, Deca Durabolin and Anavar are some anabolic steroids that can be considered as mild, based on our patients’ lab results.
However, steroids such as Anadrol, Trenbolone Steroids and Winstrol have a serious effect on lipid levels in a blood.
Similarly, the combination of steroids increases the intensity of side effects.
Based on our experience, here is a list of the top 7 steroids currently used in bodybuilding, ranked from the safest to the most dangerous.
- Testosterone Steroids
- Deca Steroids
- Anavar
- Dianabol
- Winstrol
- Trenbolone Steroids
- Anadrol
Minimizing steroid side effects
We have discovered that it is possible to treat and minimize the side effects of steroids by using natural supplements and medications. For example, TUDCA (tauroursodeoxycholic acid) is a naturally occurring bile salt that can be taken in supplement form and has been proven that it can reduce liver damage. Therefore, it can be a way for increase the safety of taking steroids.
We have also found that bodybuilders who consume 4-6 grams of fish oil per day tend to improve high-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels and reduce the risk of myocardial infarction. Some studies suggest that it may be beneficial for users with high blood pressure, however ineffective in case of people with normal blood pressure.
Less serious side effects, such as hair loss and gynecomastia, can also be treated, and our patients have successfully used DHT inhibitors, such as finasteride, to relieve inflammation of the scalp.
Bodybuilders can also take aromatase inhibitors (AI) and selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERM) to prevent gynecomastia. However, users should be careful when they taking AIs because we have found that they reduce the conversion of testosterone to estrogen, worsening blood pressure in this way.
Based on our experience, SERMs are the more preferred option of preventing gynecomastia because they inhibit estrogen activity, particularly in the mammary glands, as opposed to reducing overall estrogen levels in the body.
Low testosterone levels after a cycle can lead to worsening of mood, libido, energy levels and sexual function in men and women. By administering PCT (Post Cycle Therapy), usually Clomid or human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), under our supervision, bodybuilders have more quickly restored natural production of endogenous testosterone and relieve such side effects.
Genetic factor
Is it safe to take steroids? Some people have a genetic predisposition to heart, kidney or liver diseases and that’s why they are particularly susceptible to steroids. However, other people are genetic phenomena and as we notice no matter how much they seem to abuse their bodies with large doses of steroids, their lab results consistently come back healthy and within the normal range. Therefore, 50 mg of Anadrol per day may be too high for some person while for another one a dose of 100 mg per day may be completely tolerable. For this reason, regular checks are essential when taking steroids because thanks to this we doctors can analyze how the body handles with each drug and reacts to them. Mr. Olympia athletes are a good example of sportsmen who have won the genetic lottery not only in terms of their ability to build an extraordinary amount of muscles but also in terms their ability to take large amounts of drugs without getting sick. However, this does not mean that bodybuilders who use steroids never get sick or die because – unfortunately – it happens.
Steroids make lives shorter
There are studies suggesting that anabolic steroids can make a person’s life shorter, which we confirm anecdotally. There was some study in which mouses have given anabolic steroids for six months and they had a significantly shorter life expectancy compared to untreated mouses. In another study, the probability of death within seven years among men using steroids were more than three times more in comparison to men that didn’t use steroids. The number of deaths remains relatively low (only 1.3% of steroid users died). However, in our opinion the seven years observation period is a short time.
Many people can take steroids and live a long time
Although steroids are potentially dangerous and there are proofs that they make life expectancy shorter, many people take steroids and live a long time. There are some examples of classic bodybuilders who are still alive today (at the time of writing this text): Arnold Schwarzenegger (74), Lou Ferrigno (70), Robbie Robinson (75), Frank Zane (79), Tom Platz (66). Moreover, these were bodybuilders who took steroids at a time when no one had yet proven their safety. We had bodybuilders who took a handful of Dianabol pills and then swallowed them, instead of closely monitoring their dosage. Nowadays, bodybuilders are able to reduce the risks with better knowledge of the compounds and careful dosing.
Medical surveillance
It’s not just genetics make that most IFBB bodybuilders can take steroids and remain unharmed. That’s because they have the assurance that they are under the constant supervision of top medical specialists. Early treatment of high blood pressure or increased ALT/AST enzymes can make the difference in saving a person’s life. The average person may not be able to hire elite doctors, however the concept of regular checkups and monitoring lab tests is crucial and a wise investment for health in the long term.
Secondary side effects
Although the heart and liver are the most important organs which have to be protected while taking steroids, there are some secondary side effects that can cause problems for users. So while someone may be able to take steroids “safely”, there are still side effects that can have a negative impact on a person’s quality of life or relationships.
Here’s a list of bothersome, though not dangerous, side effects we’ve observed:
- Infertility
- Acne vulgaris
- Low testosterone level
- Gynecomastia
- Flatulence
- Testicular atrophy
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Increased aggression
Steroid therapy and the psyche
Decreased and significantly reduced testosterone levels can have a detrimental impact of neurotransmitters responsible for well-being in the brain, such as dopamine and serotonin.
Steroid craze
The reason why men are inherently more aggressive than women is higher testosterone levels in their body. So since steroids cause higher testosterone levels, theoretically aggressiveness should also increase. This can be potentially dangerous for the steroid user or people around him. If someone is already angry or aggressive, taking steroids can worsen this behavior. That make steroids psychologically dangerous. However, studies show that “roid rage” is not a common side effect, although men with pre-existing psychopathology may be susceptible.
Summary: can you take steroids safely?
Some people can safely take steroids for a long time and remain in good health.
However, another ones may end up in the hospital or die in a short time as a result of taking steroids.
Therefore, overall safety of taking steroids depends on a person’s genetics and the body’s reaction to steroids. Generally, it is hard to predict.
However, some general rules are still actual:
- When anabolic steroids are taken without medical supervision, the health worsens
- Higher doses and excessive cycles increase negative effects
- The strength of the steroid determines the level of risk
- Taking a lot of variety of steroids increase negative effects
- Buying steroids from illegal sources can be dangerous
- From the viewpoint of law, it is not safe to buy steroids (in almost all countries of the world).
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Check also: Can women safely take steroids?